RAFEEG provides a ‘smarter way to maintenance’
Recently launched in the UAE, RAFEEG is a first-of-its-kind mobile app in the region to deliver a simple yet efficient method for both providers and customers to offer and sell a wide selection of maintenance services provided by certified UAE companies and expertise.

RAFEEG presents its shoppers with optimal prices and expertise on every-day services and caters to business division by increasing the services demand, while providing best practices and offers, one purchase at a time.
Specialized in local service providing to the home maintenance, maid and household services and interior design, the RAFEEG App delivers services to homes throughout the UAE.
Following the success, the app presents in the year 2017 within the capital Abu Dhabi, the online sales have been growing by trip-digits since social distancing went into effect, especially with the impact of Covid-19 on e-commerce.
More customers are trying online services via different platforms fresh than ever before and expect efficient delivery systems. It’s not just about hygiene products or fresh food. Everything from high end market products, food and maintenance services are seeing a surge in demand, according to accompany press release.
“Brands who are already well prepared for e-commerce and are high on the maturity curve certainly have an advantage,” remarked Khamis Al Sheryani, Founder-CEO, RAFEEG App.