Acquires a majority stake in company specializing in analytics in the Middle East and Europe
Seidor, the multinational consultancy firm specializing in technological services and solutions, has acquired a majority stake in the consultancy Clariba, which is headquartered in Barcelona and Dubai and specializes in analytics services.

The acquisition of Clariba gives Seidor’s analytics area an aggregate turnover of 32mn Euro, a rise of 33% in sales turnover, and adds 60 professionals to its team, making a total of 315.
“We are delighted to be strengthening our presence in key areas of digital transformation, such as business intelligence, analytics, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and other processes based on data management for decision making,” remarked Josep Benito, President, Seidor.
“This partnership will enable us to boost our presence in the Middle East and Europe thanks to the technological capacity, market positioning and expertise that a multinational like Seidor enjoys at global level,” commented Marc Haberland, Founder, Clariba.
“As organizations across the Middle East and North Africa advance their digital transformation, they will be able to leverage the latest data management and data analytics solutions delivered via Seidor and Clariba to deliver new levels of customer experiences and business competitiveness,” affirmed Ignacio Ruiz de Eguilaz, Managing Director, Seidor MENA.
In the same way, Seidor is positioned as a leading IT consultancy company in MENA, with a team of 125 professionals and activities in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, Egypt, Lebanon, and Israel.