The Boeing 737 MAX boasts superior fuel efficiency and reduced emissions
Dubai Aerospace Enterprise (DAE) recently announced that it has delivered the first of 18 Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft to American Airlines as part of the ‘Purchase and Leaseback Agreement’ signed with American in Q3-2020. Delivery of the remaining aircraft is expected to be completed in the coming months.

“We are delighted to be in a position to offer a meaningful solution to American Airlines, a long-term customer of DAE, and to see the Boeing 737 MAX return to service. The Boeing 737 MAX boasts superior fuel efficiency and reduced emissions and noise pollution,” affirmed Firoz Tarapore, CEO, DAE.
“We are pleased with DAE’s ability to help create a purchase and leaseback solution for these 18 aircraft,” commented Meghan Montana, Vice President and Treasurer, American Airlines.