Sustainability, Ecology & Conservation
In a first person narrative, Sébastien Chauvin, CEO, Veolia Middle East, shares his top easy, practical, helpful tips on how individuals, communities and businesses can help restore our planet on the occasion of Earth Day 2021 (April 22).

With more than 16 months since the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, and as the Middle East begins a slow return to normal, the organization behind Earth Day is imploring people around the world not to return to ‘business as usual’ when it comes to our sustainable living and working practices.
Held annually since 1970, Earth Day brings together the world’s countries and communities in a bid to highlight how important it is to assist Mother Nature when it comes to restoring equilibrium among our precious planetary ecosystems.
Each of us can play a part on Earth Day and every day, urges Veolia Middle East CEO, Sébastien Chauvin. Under the tagline ‘Restore Our Earth’, he says it has never been more critical for everyone to support Earth Day.
“It is our duty to do whatever we can to reduce water consumption, electricity wastage as well as actively recycle whenever possible, which is why we recently launched our ‘Ecological Transformation Campaign’ to help radically change patterns of production and consumption,” he affirmed.
Sebastien Chauvin
At Veolia, we place ecology at the heart of every process and every assessment and we provide radical and meaningful solutions to major problems. Now is the time for ecological transformation and with occasions such as Earth Day 2021, it provides a timely reminder to effect change in the way we all live and consume valuable resources.
A global leader in optimized resource management, Veolia Middle East works across the whole spectrum of environmental services, implementing innovative solutions that will have a positive and long-lasting impact on the environment and resources. Veolia Middle East plays an active role in raising awareness among current and future generations.
As we come to mark the 51st edition of Earth Day (2021), we have prepared six handy tips and hints to help – whether you’re an individual, a community, or a business.
1. Avoid plastic disposables
One of the major threats to marine ecosystems in the Middle East, disposable plastics are a long-term challenge when it comes to restoring natural balance. When you consider that a one-time use plastic grocery bag takes 10–20 years to break down, and a throwaway water bottle can take up to 450 years to decompose. Other plastics that are a bit stronger can take up to 1,000 years to degrade!
So, our advice would be to fill up a permanent water bottle, no matter where you are headed, and take your lunch to work in a re-usable container. Use your own multi-use, non-plastic bag at the supermarket for groceries.
Skip straws in your beverages and request no plastic utensils if you order from an online delivery service – most of them feature this option. We would also suggest using a bamboo toothbrush, which eliminates unnecessary waste but offers the same hygiene benefits as a regular plastic brush.
2. Volunteer to clean up
Volunteering to clean up is one of the most impactful and simplest Earth Day tips, because you really don’t need to join any group effort or organization, although there are usually pre-planned activities across social media in your area that you can sign up to.
You could help clean up your local park, the beach, roadsides, or just the city streets or environs around your home or workplace. With a positive attitude, some work gloves, and a mask, you can make a real difference to your community.
3. Make recycling a habit
We understand that it’s impossible to completely avoid plastic bottles and bags. However, if you are in possession of disposable plastics, then make sure you recycle it properly. And, of course, the same goes for paper materials, glass, metals, batteries, etc.
Recycling is one of the best Earth Day tips and ways to help the environment. To spread the recycling reflex in our community, Veolia Middle East has recently launched RECAPP, the UAE’s first free-of-charge, digital, door-to-door service collection. All Abu Dhabi’s residents can continue this important habit every day by downloading the RECAPP app.
4. Cut back on fish
There is a high demand for seafood which in turn is driving some species towards extinction. However, by simply cutting back on fish, we can greatly assist in restoring our marine ecosystems. In the UAE and across the world we have seen many entities take great actions to help combat overfishing and we can also help assist at an individual level too.
To help protect oceans and marine life, try to eliminate fish from diets or refrain from eating fish daily. Remember, the food system is also responsible for a third of global greenhouse gas emissions, so making simple changes to eating habits, like avoiding fish or meat, can have a huge impact on our carbon footprint.
5. Conserve water
Although 71% of the Earth is covered in water, only 3% of the Earth’s water is freshwater and just 0.5% is suitable for drinking. With rapid growing population rates and such a small percentage of the Earth’s water suitable for drinking, it is fundamental to preserve and conserve water as much as possible.
Preserving water at home and at work minimises the effects of drought and water shortages, helps preserve the environment, ensures water is available for recreational purposes and builds safe communities.
There are various simple tips that can be practiced at home to help preserve water, including taking shorter showers, installing water-saving shower heads or flow restrictors, turning off the water whilst brushing teeth, using dishwashers, and washing machines for only full loads and checking pipes and faucet for leaks.
6. Give composting a try
There are lots of good reasons to compost, mainly because it saves resources and improves soil. Composting is also extremely good for the environment and it is an excellent way to grow healthy and nutritious food.
Composting at home is also a great source of recycling too, as it keeps as much as 30% of waste from going into the bin. From diverting household waste, this naturally decreases the need for plastic bin bags.
Helping create a sustainable Earth is important to every person on the planet. By adopting green lifestyle changes to daily routines, a sustainable and safer planet will be created for future generations to come, ensuring a brighter and cleaner future for all.
With an impressive background in Engineering, Sebastien Chauvin, CEO, Veolia Middle East, has over 15 years of experience in the utility sector, predominantly in the MENA region.
Chauvin’s portfolio of achievements in his career include management of utility companies, experience in operation and maintenance of desalination plants, technical expertise in the water sector and business development.
Born in France, Chauvin completed an Engineering degree in Operations Management at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées, INSA. He also holds a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, from the University of Auckland.