SkyTeam Cargo, the airline cargo alliance, has announced Teddy Zebitz, Chief Cargo Officer of Saudia Cargo, as the new chairperson of its Cargo Executive Board. The appointment was endorsed at a recent meeting of the SkyTeam Cargo Executive Board, which is composed of the cargo executives of all 12 members and oversees SkyTeam Cargo’s global strategy.

Zebitz, a Danish national, brings with him almost 40 years’ international industry experience to the Chair of SkyTeam Cargo’s Executive Board gained across China, Southeast Asia, the United States and Europe. Prior to joining Saudia Cargo, he worked in leadership positions at SAS and Emirates. Zebitz is also an external lecturer at Copenhagen Business School’s MBA program.
Nico van der Linden, SkyTeam Cargo Vice President said, “I’m delighted to welcome Teddy on board, bringing a wealth of air cargo experience to the role that will be a great asset to our alliance and its members as we navigate a path to recovery.”
Teddy Zebitz commented: “I’m very honored to accept the role of chairing the Executive Board of SkyTeam Cargo and look forward to exploring opportunities to further develop the world’s largest cargo alliance that transports 20% of the world’s air freight.”