Spokespersons of notable global bodies express support of Expo 2020 postponement for a year

Significant international and regional organizations have affirmed their solidarity with Expo 2020 Dubai for the decision to explore the possibility of a postponement because of the current global health crisis, a recent post on the official Expo 2020 website indicates.
They join a long list of participating nations and official commercial partners that have also shown support for the possible postponement, after the significant impact of COVID-19 on global public, social and economic health led many international participants to suggest delaying the opening of Expo 2020 while they focus on navigating the escalating situation.
“We remain committed to working closely with Expo 2020 Dubai as a platform that will bring the world together and advocate for collective action towards a better future for humanity,” affirmed Ambassador Hossam Zaki, Assistant Secretary General and Commissioner General, League of Arab States, Expo 2020 Dubai.
“Together, through cooperation and solidarity, the world will overcome Covid-19, and I look forward to a successful World Expo,” asserted Dato Lim Jock Hoi, Secretary-General, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
“I fervently welcome the approach of the organizers of Expo 2020 and the recommendations of the Steering Committee for exploring the proposal of a possible postponement of one year the opening of the said event,” weighed in Ambassador Noria Abdullah Al-Hamamy, Commissioner General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Expo 2020 Dubai.
“This postponement will give Expo 2020 Dubai participants more time to innovate and work towards an even better and more meaningful experience that will amaze and engage all visitors,” noted HE Dr Tariq Al Gurg, Commissioner General of Dubai Cares, Expo 2020 Dubai.
“As the UAE’s leading academic institution, we will use this time to focus our resources particularly in the fields of health and science to work together to come through this emergency,” observed Prof Ghaleb Alhdrami Al Breiki, Commissioner General, UAE University, Expo 2020 Dubai.
“Expo 2020 Dubai will remain a forum that will further entrench collaboration and provide a platform for innovation and cooperation,” emphasized Dr Nayef Falah Al-Hajraf, Secretary General, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).
On 30 March, the Expo 2020 Dubai Steering Committee, comprising Expo leadership, International Participants and the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) representatives, collectively agreed to explore the possibility of a one-year delay to the opening of Expo 2020.
The BIE, the governing body of World Expos, has confirmed its Executive Committee will meet on 21 April to consider the proposed delay, and will make a recommendation to all BIE member states which they must then vote on. A final decision requires a two-thirds majority.
The UAE Government has formally requested a change in the dates of Expo 2020 Dubai, beginning 1 October 2021 and running to 31 March 2022.