Thousands of essential commodities lifted by the carrier from China during the pandemic
Since 2002, Emirates SkyCargo has been providing a continuous and robust trade link through its cargo flights for exports from Shanghai and other points in China with a better reach and faster time to the market connecting with primary, secondary and tertiary cities across the world, the carrier said via a press communique.

More recently, during the Covid-19 pandemic, Emirates SkyCargo supported the uplift of thousands of tonnes of essential commodities including face masks, gloves, other protective gear and equipment such as ventilators manufactured in China to destinations across six continents.
“Shanghai has been one of our main gateways over nearly the last two decades. Just between 2012 and 2019, we helped connect close to half a million tonnes of goods as exports and imports between Shanghai and the rest of the network,” remarked Michael Qu, Emirates Cargo Manager, China.