New 1,700 pallet facility customised for food storage
GAC Dubai Contract Logistics is using HVAC (Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning) technology to respond to its customers’ needs for specialist storage to prevent tainting between foodstuffs.

Its new 1,700 pallet specialist facility in Jebel Ali is dedicated to goods that emit a strong scent which can affect other foodstuffs. To avoid tainting, the room in which they are stored is sealed air tight and maintained under negative pressure.
“After significant development in our food storage infrastructure in 2015 and ISO 22000 accreditation in 2017, our investment in this specialist solution underpins our continuing commitment to high quality food handling operations,” noted Distribution Centre Manager Richard Potts.
GAC Dubai Contract Logistics currently operates 40,000 pallet storage locations for food and beverage operations in the Jebel Ali Free Zone and at Dubai Industrial Park, plus a further 130,000 pallet storage locations dedicated to pharmaceutical, retail and Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) customers.