Company’s facility in Zurich is the recipient of the recognition
dnata has been awarded the Good Distribution Practice (GDP) certification for the pharmaceutical handling services at the company’s facility in Zürich.

GDP is a programme focused on systems for warehouses and distribution centres that store and distribute products that are medicinal or carry active pharmaceutical ingredients. Setting stringent standards, the scheme ensures that consistent quality management systems are in place throughout the entire supply chain.
In achieving the certification, dnata has proven its capability of handling pharmaceutical products safely and reliably. In order to meet the requirements, dnata has completely refurbished one of its warehouses at Zürich Airport and made significant enhancements to its quality systems, operations documentation and facilities management practices.
“Over the past years we’ve significantly invested in our operations to meet the highest standards in quality and safety and with today’s announcement and the constant growth of our customer base our efforts are clearly paying off,” said Roger Gutzwiller, GDP/Pharma Manager Cargo, dnata, Switzerland